Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Wistfulness For Colorful Language

I’ve always appreciated a colorful turn of phrase.  People used to use language differently, and there were regional differences in expression.  Things have changed.  We’ve all been televisionized, to coin a word that no doubt will be promptly forgotten.  Most people speak in either superlatives, exaggerations, or they speak in neutral - excuse me - neutered, carefully chosen language.  We must not offend anyone.  This occurred to me this afternoon as I sent out an e-mail correcting organizational information I’d previous sent with a mistake, and using the phrase, “Some days you got it...”  Perhaps I should have finished it.  Some of the younger people may not be aware of the phrase, as obvious as it ought to be.
My father loved to play with language, and often repeated phrases he heard in his youth, just for laughs.  My mother used a phrase she heard in her childhood, that something would be done, “God willing and the creek don’t rise.”  I’d always assumed that referred to the Roundout Creek she lived across from while growing up, and that it was a local phrase, especially after I heard a Judge I worked with use it.  Actually, I was informed recently that the “creek” should have been “Creek”.  Benjamin Hawkins, an American statesman and U.S. Indian agent was ordered to return to Washington, D.C. by President James Madison, and he replied, “God willing and the Creek (Indians) don’t rise.”  Ya gotta love it.
The aforementioned Judge used a number of other colorful phrases.  One of the favorites was, speaking to a young lawyer, “Son, I’ve spent more time in the courthouse crapper than you’ve been a lawyer.”  Know why it’s called a crapper?  Bet you don’t.  Thomas Crapper (1836-1910), a British plumber, improved the functionality of the early flush toilet or “water closet”.
The history of language is enjoyable.  So is expressive language.  If you know any good turns of phrase, use ‘em.  Spread them around.  Don’t worry about being different.  Worry about being BORING!  Have some fun!